Sunday, September 5, 2010

What about Europe?

I'm pretty sure I always believed that when you turned 16 you got a car, and I did, when you graduated high school you got a better car, and I did, I also believed that when you graduated college you got a fabulous trip to Europe where you ate exotic food, met cool european people and basically steeped yourself in culture until you had to return to America and your pending adult life- I did not do this. I basically graduated from college on a sunday and was at work on monday. After that, I spent my next 3 summer months working 9-3 or 9-5 or more 5 days a week, plus strike days. Now, by no means am I complaining, I really do believe that I may have had the best internship ever but I still wish I would have had a vacation... even a short one. I have finished my internship, it officially ended 8/31 and I am currently titled as "Assistant Prop Mistress" in our programs- which feels awesome. I am stoked to be an assistant rather than "intern". We just opened a show on Friday which was my first show as a real person, I lie in wait to see what the new season titles me... and now, a much needed break! I finally have a week off (sort of) I'm going to the bay for a few days to visit friends and family then come back here to do my prop design duties for a week then go to Chico for a few days so I can get my College Life back in order, then...?
Oh yes, then I start my next show!!! I cannot wait for our next show, its a 1950's Christmas musical!!! I can't wait to gather all the kitschy little props and set dress the heck out of the stage!!!

Bottom line: You gotta take the good with the bad. So maybe I have to put off Europe for a few more years, but all my hard work as an intern still landed me in a place I want to be- gettin paid to do theatre!

Gotta stay positve!

1 comment:

  1. Now you just have to wait for a touring show to pay you to go to Europe...that would be even better.... :)
